Bank on Boulder County invites local community organizations and financial organizations to partner with us. With your help, all Boulder County area residents can gain access to free- or low-cost bank accounts and take steps toward financial freedom. Click below or email to connect with Bank on Boulder County.
COMING SOON! 2017 Bank on Boulder County Invitation Packet
Questions? Contact 720.564.2279
Our goal is to bring as many of the estimated 5,000 unbanked and 15,000 underbanked households in Boulder County into the financial mainstream by helping them to open low-cost, starter bank accounts. To accomplish this goal, we turned to financial institutions in the County to demonstrate leadership and to help remove the banking barriers that low-income families face. We continue to partner with ten banks and credit unions across Boulder County, to help people open accounts and enter the financial mainstream.
By working with nonprofits in Boulder County, Financial Partners are able to identify customers and develop new strategies to reach unbanked customers. Staff offering financial training courses have made real connections in the community.
Bank On will only remain vibrant in our community with key ‘Champions” in financial institutions and social service organizations and agencies. As a Champion, you will get to:
Be the eyes and ears of Bank On Boulder! Become a Champion - apply today today using the Sign-up form below or email!
We are accepting applications for Bank On Boulder County Coalition members! We seek a balance of representation from social service agency/organizations and financial institution representatives. Please sign-up below or email
We know our success rests on our ability to reach unbanked Boulder County residents through the networks they trust, like Case Managers and others at local community non-profit organizations and agencies as well as employers, places of worship, community agencies, and local colleges. Bank on Boulder County can provide essential training, advice, and banking opportunities to your organization's clients. In turn, your organization can help connect us with unbanked Boulder County residents looking to take the first step on the road to financial security.
We are accepting applications for Bank On Boulder County Coalition members! We seek a balance of representation from social service agency/organizations and financial institution representatives. Please sign-up below or email